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Dental Jewellery

Dental Jewellery
09 June 2023

Dental jewellery, also known as tooth jewellery or tooth gems, is a popular trend in cosmetic dentistry. It involves attaching small, decorative accessories to the surface of the teeth to enhance their appearance. These accessories are usually made of crystals, gems, or precious metals. The process of attaching dental jewellery is minimally invasive and reversible. A dentist or a dental professional typically performs the procedure. They first clean the tooth surface and then use dental adhesive or a bonding agent to affix the jewel onto the tooth. The adhesive used is safe for oral use and does not harm the tooth structure. Dental jewellery comes in various shapes, sizes, and colors, allowing individuals to customize their smile according to their preferences. Some common options include small gems, Swarovski crystals, gold or silver studs, and other designs. The jewellery is usually placed on the front teeth, like the upper incisors, where it can be easily visible when smiling. It's important to note that dental jewellery is a cosmetic enhancement and does not serve any functional purpose. It does not impact oral health or function, and it can be easily removed if desired. Proper oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, should still be maintained to ensure overall oral health. If you are interested in getting dental jewellery, it's best to consult with a dentist who specializes in cosmetic dentistry. They can evaluate your oral health, discuss the options available, and guide you through the process.